
Showing posts with label Yogyakarta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yogyakarta. Show all posts

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sambisari yogja 21tahun need time to assemble

The first chunk was found in 1966 after buried for hundreds of years It took 21 years to excavate and assemble hundreds of pieces before finally Sambisari successfully reconstructed.

Ratu Boko is the magnificent palace complex and can be said grandest, Yogyakarta

The palace was built in the 8th century. Ratu Boko is a complex of palaces and magnificent in its time to say it was built by one of the relatives of the founder of the Borobudur.

Ratu Boko adalah kompleks istana megah dan bisa dikatakan termegah,yogjakarta

Istana ini dibangun pada abad ke-8. Ratu Boko adalah kompleks istana megah dan bisa dikatakan termegah di jamannya itu dibangun oleh salah satu kerabat pendiri Borobudur.

ijo chided the temple fat, beautiful, and situated on the highest plateau yogja

This temple is located highest in Yogyakarta. Ijo Temple is a very pesona.disamping temple we see the temple we can see the natural beauty of the aircraft that was landing. because it is situated close to the airport Adisutjipto yogyakarta.

candi ijo candi gemuk,indah,dan terletak di dataran tertinggi yogja

ini candi yang letaknya paling tinggi di Yogyakarta. Candi Ijo adalah candi yang sangat  pesona.disamping kita melihat candi kita dapat melihat keindahan alam  pesawat yang tengah landing. karna letaknya yang dekat dengan Bandara Adisutjipto yogyakarta.Dengan adanya Candi inilah yang membuat landasan Bandara Adisutjipto tak bisa diperpanjang ke arah timur.he,,,

cadi prambanan, yogyakarta, temple photographs prambanan

religious remember coming into Indonesia the first time on 10th abab, namely religion Hindu religion relic hindu.Banyak once one of them is a masterpiece PRAMBANAN Prambanan.CANDI Temple Hindu culture from the century 10.Bangunan not too big but slender and towering as high as 47 meters create unparalleled architectural beauty.

pariwisata candi borobudur,magelang,yogjakarta indonesia, foto candi borobudur

This temple which had become a miracle dunia.candi Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in the 9th century measuring 123 x 123 meters. Borobudur was completed centuries before Angkor Wat in Kamboja.banyak history, myth, and magic there, something very amazing legacy